After spending last Summer rehearsing this musical which was planned to open December 2020 we had to move it to the open space to Summer 2021 due to the government restrictions. This romantic musical with the hits from the sixties was originally a movie filmed twenty years ago and awarded by two Český lev awards. It is a love story situated to the turbulent year 1968. The musical is full of well known and popular song like “Š-š-š”, “Oliver Twist”, “Pátá”, “Gina”, Mně se líbí Bob”, “Jó, třešně zrály” or “Tereza” and “Nechte zvony znít”. The original movie had its premiere in 2001 and in 2003 was played as stage musical in a chambre version at the Broadway Theatre in Prague. We are proud to present brand new version of this musical first at PVA Expo Praha Letňany and in Fall at the Karlin Musical Theatre.